When you can understand that life is something that KEEPS MOVING, then you can understand quite easily (perhaps) the main cause of people feeling ‘stuck’ in their lives.
Let’s break it down in the most simple way possible:
Life = Movement
Stuck = A Lack of Movement
Life, of course, is very REAL and – whether we like it or not – then right now we’re alive (as I write this and you read it).
If you’re feeling ‘stuck’, then, what does it mean?
It means that you’ve taken yourself out of or turned away from life itself.
You feel ‘stuck’ because you’ve given up on your REAL life and you’ve picked up a set of beliefs and ideas that are life-denying instead of life-affirming.
Normally (when I’m working with people one-on-one), it turns out that a lot of these ‘life-denying’ beliefs are the ideas and concepts that stop them from ACTING on the things that are truly important:
They give up on their TRUE VALUES (health, creativity, truth, justice, whatever) because they FEAR the consequences of actually turning these things into goals and behaviours because doing so would ‘rock the boat’ of their lives and they’re worried they’ll end up drowning (because their external CONDTIONING has made them doubt themselves instead of trusting and believing in who they truly are).
They give up on their TRUE INTENTIONS – the goals that are truly important and SIGNIFICANT to them when they can step away from their own SHAME, GUILT, and/or TRAUMA that’s asking them to live a FALSE (static – i.e. not moving) life because it’s somehow ‘easier’ (so they tell themselves).
The problem isn’t that you’re ‘stuck’ – if you’re alive then there’s NO WAY you can be stuck because life is eternal movement and will always find a way to keep going in the only direction it knows (forwards) like a river that pushes its way through or around rocks and mountains just so it can keep GOING.
The problem is actually just that you’ve caused yourself to BELIEVE in things that make you act as something that’s not truly ALIVE:
-You believe that you need PERMISSION to do the things that are actually important to you (probably because of some emotional ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ ‘stuff’ from your past) and so you don’t ACT.
-You believe that it’s better to do either NOTHING or something that feels completely INAUTHENTIC rather than push yourself through your own EDGE and to stretch yourself with your ACTIONS.
-You believe that it’s somehow noble or virtuous to WASTE your life doing things that you don’t really care about because of a misplaced sense of ‘duty’ or because you’ve been CONDITIONED (i.e. controlled) to believe that you shouldn’t ask for more than you currently have because that’s somehow ungrateful and so you don’t try to change things through ACTION (even though you want to).
-You believe that things can’t work out and so you just accept the things that you currently have instead of ever taking any kind of calculated risk and attempting to get the things that you truly WANT from your life.
If it isn’t clear, then, the main reason that you feel ‘stuck’ in life is because you’ve picked up a BELIEF SYSTEM that supports a passive way of being instead of your NATURAL way of being which is to be ACTIVE.
Where this belief system was picked up and nurtured is something that only you can figure out yourself but – if you’re reading this – I can assure you that your feeling of ‘stuckness’ in life is a SYMPTOM of the problems with your own belief system and if you want to start MOVING again and feeling truly ALIVE then you need to rewire yourself and get REAL.
If what I’m saying here makes sense to you then check out the 7-Day Personality Transplant System Shock for Realness and Life Purpose.
This is a course that anybody can access and that is ACTIVELY designed to help you look at where your belief system is holding you back from life and taking the kind of ACTIONS that you know deep down you came here to take.
This PASSIVE MINDSET that you’ve picked up is affecting your whole life and seeing as you’re going to be dead one day it’s something that you would benefit from dealing with as soon as possible.
If you feel restless or stuck then it means that you need to work on your relationship with YOURSELF and stop holding yourself back.
When you do that the rest will fall into place because you’ll be moving WITH life, not against it.